Movie Sounds
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Movie Sounds II
Movie Sounds III

A great clip from "Broken Arrow" featuring the one and only Johnnie T.

aint it cool.wav  33kb

Jim Carrey from the funniest movie of all time "Dumb and Dumber"

annoying.wav     51kb

The first of several Clint wavs. This one could do very well as an event sound.

areyoush.wav     160kb

Some more John Travolta from" Pulp fiction"

baconsgood.WAV     19kb

"Riddle me this, riddle me that..."

batman06.wav     81kb

A hilarious wav from "Caddyshack" feat. Rodney Dangerfeild

cadshk08.wav      29kb

The great Robert Deniro laughing while watching a movie

cape fear.wav       256kb

Another "Cape Fear" clip. Damn that was good movie.

comeout.wav        62kb

"You tell em' I'm comin....." a great clip of Wyatt Earp from "Tombstone"

cominwithme.wav  277kb

A clip from "Cool Hand Luke"/G&R's Civil War

failure2.wav           61kb